United States of America
A Rebate Service Working since 2009
up to $16 pips of spread
Partner ID: KLX
InstaForex was founded back in 2007, and has now over 260 local offices throughout the world. A true ECN broker, InstaForex always makes sure all binding obligations are fully met. When it comes to both verification and trading processes, the broker sticks to very strict standards, which highlights the reliability of the company. PAMM and ForexCopy accounts are provided for those looking for passive income. Binary options trading is also available.

News InstaForex



Dear friends!

InstaForex team warmly congratulates you on Labor Day, which is celebrated in many countries around the world on the first day of May!

We wish you a good holiday filled with positive emotions and spring sunshine. If you spend this day at your workplace, let it be as productive as possible. If you have a day off, take a break from your daily routine and recharge for new achievements.

Let your work always be effective and bring not only financial reward but also the joy of accomplished tasks, inspiration from interesting projects, self-confidence, and the desire to move forward!

We will provide all the necessary conditions for your professional growth and development. Stay with us to expand your prospects and reach new financial horizons together!

Sincerely, InstaForex